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What is 生物质能? 

造纸和木制品行业是循环价值链的一部分,以可持续实践为荣. We’re a crucial part of the climate solution.

电子竞技赌注的软件这样做的方法之一是通过生产有益碳的可再生生物质能. 然后电子竞技赌注的软件用生物质能为电子竞技赌注的软件的工厂提供燃料,以取代化石燃料的使用. 


What is 生物质能?

不同的团体使用不同的定义,有些更宽,有些更窄. For our purposes, biomass is organic plant material from forests.


How is 生物质能 Used by the 纸 and 木材产品 Industry?

Moorim's logo placeholder
We use biomass energy to replace fossil fuels

电子竞技赌注的软件的工业尽可能地利用树木的每一部分,这样就不会浪费任何东西. 对于电子竞技赌注的软件的行业, 生物质能来自树木的剩余部分,否则这些部分可能会被填埋. Things like branches, bark and chips.

We use biomass energy to replace fossil fuels when creating the heat and power needed to manufacture our products. The things you use every day like paper, 包装, tissue and wood products like the lumber in your house.


Is the 纸 Industry Cutting Down Trees for 生物质能?

No. 电子竞技赌注的软件利用树木的剩余部分来制造生物质能,否则这些部分就会被送到垃圾填埋场. 比如树皮, 生产纸浆时从木屑中提取的树枝和液体生物能源.

纸和木制品工业在生产过程中尽可能地使用树木的每一部分, so nothing goes to waste.

From the log to create lumber and other wood products, to the 左over chips that are used in pulp and paper products.

原木可以用来制造木材、家具、纸张和包装等产品. 剩下的任何东西都被转化为生物质能,用于为工厂提供动力.

Where Does the 纸 Industry Get Trees for Products?

A person planting a pine tree sapling.
of wood is sourced from private, sustainably managed working forests

The paper industry uses trees from healthy, managed working forests where harvesting of trees is permitted. We source our trees from two types of working forests:

  • Private Working Forests
  • Public Working Forests

The vast majority of our country’s working forests are on private land. These are owned by individuals, families, small and large businesses. Many of these forests have been in families for generations.

Trees on working forests are replanted and grown again while protecting the ecosystem of the forest. 精心的采伐和种植确保未来几十年仍有森林.

美国人每天使用的用于生产基本纸张和木制品的木材中有90%来自私人, sustainably managed working forests.



Does the 纸 Industry Cause Deforestation? 

美国的.S. is forested, totaling 766 million acres

Our industry is a leader in promoting sustainable forest management. 美国的森林.S. 是强大的. 在美国.S., more than 1 billion trees are planted each year. One-third of the nation is forested, totaling nearly 766 million acres.

毁林是指将森林永久转化为其他用途,如新住房开发或农业. 采伐是砍伐树木,但不是对森林的永久改造.

As a condition of membership, AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 commit to sustainable forest management and sourcing wood from responsibly managed working forests.

美国.S. grows twice the volume of trees than is harvested. 而且, about 2% of working forests are harvested each year. More forestland in the U.S., both working and non-working, is disturbed by natural events like insects, disease and fire than is harvested.


How is 生物质能 Helping Capture Carbon?


And as those trees mature, 它们从大气中吸收碳,并将同样的碳储存在电子竞技赌注的软件制造的产品中. 一大堆. American forests, for instance, offset about 13% of U.S. carbon emissions annually.



Is 生物质能 Renewable and Sustainable? 

Cars on a highway. The text reads, "35 million. 从道路上移除的汽车的大致数量来自该行业使用的生物质能."

是的,由纸张和木制品行业创造的生物质能是可再生和可持续的. For an energy source to be renewable, 它需要来自一个永不枯竭或可以不断补充的来源.

Our industry uses every part of the tree in our manufacturing process. We use the 左overs from the tree like bark, 液体生物能源, and branches to create biomass energy.

电子竞技赌注的软件从可持续和负责任管理的工作森林中采购树木,以制造基本产品. Those forests are healthy, growing and helping to capture carbon.

在保护森林生态系统的同时,对森林中的树木进行再植和生长. 仔细的采伐和种植确保未来几十年仍有森林. This cycle is done through long-term and continuous planning.

关于 2% of working forests are harvested each year. More forestland in the U.S., both working and non-working, is disturbed by natural events like insects, disease and fire than is harvested.

How our industry uses biomass energy is also sustainable. 造纸和木制品厂使用的能源中约有三分之二来自生物质能. We also sell power, called bioelectricity, to the grid.


电子竞技赌注的软件使用生物质能每年可防止约1.81亿吨二氧化碳排放到大气中. That’s roughly equal to removing 35 million cars from the road.

自2005年以来,电子竞技赌注的软件的温室气体排放量减少了24%以上. That was accomplished in part by using biomass energy.

Does that Mean 生物质能 is Carbon Neutral?

Yes, biomass energy is carbon neutral.

重复研究, 机构, 机构, 世界各地的政策和几乎每个国家都承认纸和木制品工业生产的生物质能的碳中和性.

The 美国森林 & 纸 Association (十大菠菜软件) serves to advance U.S. 纸张和木制品制造商通过基于事实的公共政策和市场倡导. The forest products industry is circular by nature. 十大菠菜软件成员公司利用可再生和可回收的资源生产基本产品, 生产可再生生物能源,并致力于通过行业的可持续发展倡议不断改进更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000人. 该行业每年的工资总额约为650亿美元,是43个州十大制造业雇主之一. 访问房颤&私人助理网上网址: or follow us on 推特 @Forestand纸

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