

Why Toilet 纸 and 纸 Towels are a Responsible Choice

Toilet 纸 and 纸 towels are common staples in the home. 全美有数百万人.S. 依赖纸制品. Our industry prioritizes sustainable manufacturing and practices.

Below we answer common questions about toilet 纸 and 纸 towels. 潜入其中,探索其中的原因 负责任的选择.

How are Toilet 纸 and 纸 Towels Made in the U.S.?

美国.S. tissue industry uses 2 primary inputs to make toilet 纸 and 纸 towels.


电子竞技赌注的软件的会员使用木材 不适合做建筑材料. 这包括:

  • 分支机构
  • 树顶
  • 树桩
  • 树皮
  • 锯木厂的木材副产品

的se wood materials come from sustainably managed working 森林 where 树木被重新种植. 

AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 adhere to sustainable fiber procurement principles. 事实上,这是会员资格的一个条件. Procurement is how our members source the wood pulp materials they need to make the products people rely on.

的se principles assure our members their suppliers are 致力于可持续森林管理 以及收获实践.



90% U.S. 组织制造商 使用再生纸 来制造他们的产品. 

的 recycled 纸 can go directly into the 纸 towel or toilet 纸. It is also often used in packaging like the 纸board tubes these products are wrapped around.

在2023年,纸巾生产商使用了大约3.900万吨再生纸. 根据 费舍尔国际, North American 组织制造商 use more recycled 纸 in their products than those made in Europe and Asia.


Is it Better to Use 再生纸 or 木 to Make 纸 Towels and Toilet 纸?

It 取决于客户偏好. Recycled 纸 and wood pulp help 纸 towel and toilet 纸 manufacturers deliver different qualities such as

  • 吸光率
  • 强度
  • 多功能性
  • 耐用性
  • 柔软
  • 回收的内容
  • 预算

每一个 品质有不同的要求. 这很像照着食谱做. Recycled 纸 and wood pulp have different properties that alter the final product. Similar to how different types of flour affect the outcome of a baked good. 

U.S. 纸 towel and toilet 纸 manufacturers adjust the inputs they use based on what qualities they’re trying to create 满足客户需求. 这让顾客 多个选项 所以他们可以 选择最适合他们的. 

你能.S. 组织 Producers Use Only 再生纸 to Make 纸 Towels and Toilet?

U.S. 纸 towel manufacturers need to balance using both fresh wood pulp and recycled 纸 for a few reasons:


再生纸的数量和种类 生产卫生纸和纸巾是有限的. 如果美国.S. 纸 industry used only recycled 纸 to make all our products, 包括包装, 纸, 牙髓和组织, 电子竞技赌注的软件会 7个月后就用完了.

During the recycling process, the fibers that makeup 纸 pulp get shorter and weaker. Eventually, they can no longer be used, and fresh wood pulp is needed.


的 type of recycled 纸 primarily used in tissue products is 混合办公用纸. 的 amount of available 混合办公用纸 is going down, 哪些因素会影响纸巾生产商的使用量. 

同时, 大多数可用的再生纸 制造商可以使用的是从 棕色的包装. This is not appropriate for making white 纸 towels, toilet 纸 or other tissue products. 

就像食谱一样,制造商必须这样做 使用正确的配料 来制造他们的产品. 


Recycled 纸 and fresh wood pulp produce 纸 towels and toilet 纸 with different qualities. 某些特征只能是 使用新鲜木浆实现.

Does Using 纸 Towels and Toilet 纸 Cause Deforestation?

No. 美国.S. pulp and 纸 industry, which includes 纸 towel producers, is 与全球森林砍伐无关.

U.S. 森林管理者一直在保护美国.S. 林地 自20世纪50年代以来稳定 通过种植 自然再生. 今天:

  • 三分之一的美国.S. 是森林. 
  • 美国的净森林面积.S. 在过去的30年里稳步增长.
  • 在美国种植了超过10亿棵树.S. 每年.

Our industry uses trees from managed, working 森林. 这些森林 不断地重新确保未来的健康平衡.

Foresters, biologists, conservationists and other professionals work together to ensure there are 健康的森林在未来的岁月里.

How Does the 纸 Industry Prioritize 可持续性?

Sustainable practices are the foundation of our industry.

2011年,十大菠菜软件 was one of the first manufacturing industries to set quantifiable sustainability goals. AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 达到或超过 很多这样的目标.

Our members are leading the way towards a more sustainable future with 5个可量化的可持续发展目标 他们的目标是 到2030年实现

这些承诺是 关于采取行动. 电子竞技赌注的软件的会员不断创新:

  • 改善水资源管理
  • 减少排放 
  • 改善野生动物栖息地
  • 收集更多回收物料

发现什么 可持续发展的行动 就像造纸行业一样.


We developed a case study with MIT looking at what happens if tissue producers used 10% more recycled 纸 when making products.


推进弹性U.S. 森林

AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 have a 2030 sustainability goal to advance resilient U.S. 森林. 探索电子竞技赌注的软件的目标是什么. 



想看看森林是如何运作的? Do a virtual forest walk through with Georgia-Pacific.




美国森林 & 造纸协会&PA)有助于推动美国的发展.S. 纸 and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. 的 forest products industry is circular by nature. 十大菠菜软件 member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. 的 forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. 制造业占国内生产总值, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000人. 的 industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 43 states. 访问房颤&私人助理网上网址: 85500171.com 或者在推特上关注电子竞技赌注的软件 @Forestand纸